About 8 minutes into FCC commissioner’s Jonathan Adelstein’s speech here at PDF, 10-20 audience members shifted in their scattered seats, stood up, and left to turn to other matters – like perhaps Dasani water.
His combination of dryness, truisms we all know about, working for the Man and a really, really bad opening joke left everyone unimpressed. And what was remarkable was how it “tipped” so suddenly. Like the room breathed a sigh of disappointment then turned its energy elsewhere.
I can’t blame them, but it is too bad. There’s nothing wrong with the chance to hear a government official say “Let’s get the data out there. Let’s not be afraid what the public thinks.”
The collective downturn was probably pushed along by the twitter back-chat, where digital tools make the group’s take on its own experience more palpable to the group. To quote one twitterer: Buzzword buzzword bland corporate-speak buzzword. FCC commish = FAIL.
tags: pdf2008
